*To the cheaters themselves: care to let us know how you do it? Is the USB Gecko still the way to go, or can you do it through a softmod/homebrew channel these days? Update 6/21/09: It looks like you can use the Ocarina homebrew program to load cheats on a softmodded console (i.e., one with the homebrew channel installed; some directions are available here).
Mario Kart Wii Online Cheaters Wall of Shame
Update 6/21/09: From an anonymous comment on my other Mario Kart page:
"I would just like to say, none of your hacker stories compare to mine. I got stuck playing in a race with 5 hackers who could change their points from 1 to 35001. During the race they ALL ganged up on me by throwing non-stop green turtle shells at me, bombing me repeatedly, then all cornering me and using big mushrooms and stars simultaneously to hit me, and run me over for about 5 minutes straight. It was officially a Mario Kart gang rape. They are:1. ihack@u - this guy deserves at least a little cred since he actually figured the whole infinite items thing out (to my knowledge, at least). I don't know anything else about him, e.g. his Mii.
2. Speedy - no other information.
3. Alwin - no other information.
4. Kenny - Mii looks like Kenny from South Park, probably something like this:

5. Upsidedown - Mii's face is upside down.
6. SoSerious? - His Mii looks like the Joker from The Dark Knight, but its hair is black instead of green or whatever...
7. Death - no description of the Mii, but this one is especially troubling because of the claim that he/she actually *disconnected* another user after pelting them continuously with green shells. Hopefully the disconnection was just a coincidence and not another hacking capability...
8. AIM:Voth24 - s/he seems pretty proud of his cheatiness, based on his/her youtube videos. S/he also seems to target players with high VRs, so watch out if you care a lot about your score.
9 Alien - doesn't use his hacking to win, apparently and always loses on purpose. That in mind, you don't have to disconnect from this guy just to protect your precious points--assuming the cheating itself doesn't piss you off enough anyway.
If you have more to add, leave a comment with their name, a brief description of their Mii, and anything else that could be helpful in identifying them and I'll them to the list.
6. SoSerious? - His Mii looks like the Joker from The Dark Knight, but its hair is black instead of green or whatever...
7. Death - no description of the Mii, but this one is especially troubling because of the claim that he/she actually *disconnected* another user after pelting them continuously with green shells. Hopefully the disconnection was just a coincidence and not another hacking capability...
8. AIM:Voth24 - s/he seems pretty proud of his cheatiness, based on his/her youtube videos. S/he also seems to target players with high VRs, so watch out if you care a lot about your score.
9 Alien - doesn't use his hacking to win, apparently and always loses on purpose. That in mind, you don't have to disconnect from this guy just to protect your precious points--assuming the cheating itself doesn't piss you off enough anyway.
If you have more to add, leave a comment with their name, a brief description of their Mii, and anything else that could be helpful in identifying them and I'll them to the list.
Name is Upsidedown
His face is upside down
He blocks the finish line and keeps dropping bombs without hurting h9mself/
I had one this evening called Mr Garrison, i think that is from South Park so may be the same person who calls himself Kenny.
Death. He targeted me and started griefing with unlimited invincibility and green shells, then after he couldn't hit me anymore (because I made it a point to go the wrong way), he disconnected me from Wii Channel.
SoSerious? is his name, he looks like the joker from the dark knight except his hair is short and black on the mii.
A guy named AIM:Voth24 targets players with high VRs and eventually uses invincibilty stars and red shells on his victims, he even made a debut video on youtube.
As far as SoSerious? is concerned, I faced him once and I actually had FUN trying to get through his little tricks. Everyone got points in the end since he wasnt winning any races...not like he needed to since his VR points were something like 35555 or something rediculous. He would lose about 2500 points every race, i could come in 5 or sixth and still drive away with a plus in the points area. Im not intimidated by him. What I hate worse than the cheaters, is the fact that you can be in first the whole race, then two or three other racers get a lucky item, then bam! You are in 6th losing points on your VR...I hate computer assistance more than the hackers!
That's a good attitude. In my opinion, it's no the cheating itself that can be so infuriating, it's the deliberate griefing. It's interesting that he's setting himself up as basically another obstacle in the course.
As for the computer-assistance of people lagging behind, I've been raging about that since Mario Kart 64. Each new MK game that gets developed, I pray they'll take it out. Clearly, they never have...
Yeah, not just any obstacle though...normally he uses an invincible and a mega mushroom at some point of the track that is very narrow...ie the bridge on GCN DK Mountain, and just keep ANYONE from passing.
I hate to give these guys so much credit, because they make it infuriating for other people who don't want that extra challenge, but hey, I actually look forward to facing these hackers, if I can beat someone using a hack...then I guess I am pretty good.
Wii #
1908 2476 7492 9151
Mario Kart Handle: Rob
Friend ID#
2793 1147 2216
ACC RANDOMN and another player called ATL Bird or something both playing on Mario Kart on line using the hack dropping a mulitude of boxes, bombs and several blue shells!! It was mayhem. Both Miis had dark hair.I lost many points. Not happy!!
You missed me out!!
Name - Alien
Versus Rating - 35555, 9999, 1
Description - I don't hack to win, i always loose on purpose, and because i loose you never loose points. Everybody wins.
Hullo, I'm the aforementioned 'SoSerious?'
To many to talk about on Mario Kart Battle like Ugly Betty And than they chang there names.
Some stay invinsible and get all the coins.
I just played against someone called Dwayne, I think? - it took me a full race to figure out what was going on, I couldn't figure out where all the freakin boxes were coming from, lolz! The Mii had dark hair and a blue top, and I *think* he was playing as Funky Kong. My 4 yr old son was playing with me, and I had to quit, he was getting so upset! (Not that he ever wins anyway - but still!)
I've been playing online for around 5 months and have never encountered it before. Fun occasionally, to see whether you can get around them, but if it's a regular occurrence, I won't be playing anymore - takes all the fun outta the game!
One of the biggest cheaters that I have seen is 2HOT4U. They seem to have unlimited bombs and stars. They have also figured out how to cut the course and go from last to first on almost any course. If you see them on your game I suggest that you quit and find another game.
Players name is Terrorist. A bit retarded to play that way, but oh well... ;)
Name's Garfield-you know, the cat.
It's a Garfield mii...(duh)
has 9999 vr, always
not really serious in winning, may come in 2nd or 3rd if your really good...like me XD
does a bit of everything-prefers to use bomb-ombs like crazy.
Name: iSeEyOu
total dick ^
unscrupulous abuse of unlimited blue shells
used unlimited red shells and invincible non stop.
Watched him from behind as he launch no less that 18 red shells.
There was a player a few weeks ago that was called "ILOVEYOU" and they had the unlimited blue shell hacked. It was very annoying!
'Platinette' and 'Mr Luigi' both were hacking and had infinite blue shells. Mr luigi also had a race xp of 35000 and eveen if he lost therace he dodn't lose any xp.
i was playing mii named `mario` he made a circle of bananas which was hard to moneuvre so after we got thorugh we stalled us til 4minutes 30 seconds then let us go then blue shelled all of us in 1 shell then he used bullet bill with infinite speed and won
I've encountered a bunch of these people:
my wife ran into k.o.p tonight
I ran into a mii named Sage last night. Had infinite invincibility stars and would wait around corners to knock people off the track. Jackass. His me looked like a normal face, but was in all green including the mii hat.
I don't know a lot of english so sorry if my grammar is wrong.
His name is Hack J.R.S
I don't remember his face, but hi uses a Funk Donkey Kong, and he throw a lot of blue shells, bombs, star, and the worst, he can walk through water and he wins the race so early! I hate him.
Garfield-s/he will just use everything possible to annoy other players and win the race. they can come in dead last place after waiting at the starting line and never move, yet still appear in first at the end of a race. lots of bullets and green shells
yoyo42 nice i want to hack but i dont want to install the homebrew channel, i found out that nintendo were shutting down any console found to posses the homebrew channel. so yeah if anyone finds out then let me know at (408)966-3969
Cheaters name: HÆNCOCK
Has 9999 VR points
Likes to use Infinite Blue Shells, Empty ? Boxes, Triple Red and Green Shells to grief.
One day I was playing on WiFi with a friend of mine. We were having a good time until someone by the name of Stevie joined. He always sat behind someone the whole race, tossing red shells. When that person left, he would sit behind someone else.
His Mii looked, well, like a head without anything else on it. That's right, a head with no mouth, eyes, ect.
Me and my sister were playing wii and we saw who we were agaist and all of a sudden this name comes up
TheHackerMasterWifi me and my sister were playing him all of a sudden i was in first the 2 blue turtle shells come up and 5 bombs the he stays in last then he has a long bullet that goes in the race at the finish line he waits a puts more shells a star when he has 9999 vr and just dosent let anyone win he has a guest and the guest drives backwords knocking you down with dry bowser .... I HATE HACKERS!!!!!!!
Mii's name is GaGa'sPeni.
Not sure if the Mii is a guy or a girl has short blonde hair and pursed red lips. Has unlimited Green Shells, Bullet, Star Power, Bombs and Fake Boxes. Ruins the race although it would be enjoyable to be the one with unlimited objects. Is the hacking thing safe for the wii? Does the wik have to be an old version???
I was playing Mario Kart wii today and there was some girl..I forget her name..but for two races she would sit behind me and throw unlimited red shells at me. Finally I was so fed up I just shut my wii off.
Male, brown spiky hair, and glasses. I thought it was very fun to be endlessly blown up by bomb-ombs. Did you know that after so long the race just ends, even though nobody finished?
I had three hackers today one has the name KUPO on it the other I forgot.. but what I know is that he's a boy.. I know he's a hacker because his vr is only 1.. while the other one has three stars I also forgotten his name but he always keeps hitting people with higher vr like what happened a while a ago.. he hit me tons luckily most of it I dodged thanks to big mushroom :D
NinSecret << beware of her O_O I encountered her a while ago..
I saw ma302 do it. and he laped me doing it
His name is oy! (including the !) and he had blond hair I believe.
He had the items cheat AND one that refilled his rating to 9999 every time he lost. I know this because I beat him twice before he decided to use the cheats and target me, and each time he lost over a hundred points but was at 9999 at the beginning of the next race. He actually also had a hack that allowed him to appear wherever I was on the track, which he repeatedly used to catch back up to me.
Name: chicagoIL
Play fair people! Hackers are not appreciated.
yeah I live in Australia and I found a person called aussie star shape joke in Australia he keeps getting powers at start before a race starts and he plays with the character BOO and he keeps going back and forwards when hes playing with another character FUNKY KONG and theres this kid called JONNO who pushes you over and just waits till your out of being big or whatever you have got attatched to you and throws you out even before you cross the line when finishing a race.
Winsteauxn has been cheating so bad it is not funny. I am a fair player and am so fustrated with jerks like that. I was one of the best tonight on online and everyone knows it until he came along and made that infinite cheat on me. Unlimited red shells to the forehead!
-Lady Gaga (mii name only)
Sailor Moon or SailorMoon has a 9999 score. It's a blond headed girl and she uses bombs at the begging of the races once she gets the whole-shot and blue shells once she gets behind. It's ridiculously annoying! I don't know how she does both.
Another thing I noticed... one time, before a race even started, everyone that I could see got hit by lightning and the person in the first position got hit by a blue shell. During the race, it was total mayhem and everyone got ridiculous weapons...it was actually quite fun and I got 2nd.
Aos VeNoM
he likes to bullet in front of everyone and then giant star blocks everyone.
Has anyone ever experienced getting hit by a blue shell, WHILE THEY ARE NOT FIRST!? I was hit by a blue shell in second place by a hacker. Made me mad, about to reach 7000vr. Can't remember anything about him except that his MII uses the Offroader, I think. He can disappear in a race, and he can still be first. In one race, I was first. I looked at him/her on the mini map, and disappeared. I became second.
I ran into EP7(balloons)James(Gold trophy) and (balloons)(3*s)Skull(3*s)(balloons) a couple days ago and they had unlimited everything. They were practically having fun treating the rest of us like CPU players, and they didn't really pick on anyone that much. But still, I beat them, but I don't know how. If you encounter them, DON'T get their attention. They may keep hacking on you.
today i ran into a battle hacker and a nice race hacker. the battle hacker had a name that i can't remember but has X_X on her name. she'd pick on anyone that messed with her, she was baby peach. so mean. the races hacker was named player using dry bones and he was nice. he would hit people with a lightning cloud and it would make that player have an invisible lightning cloud that doesn't strike. then you could have a great speed, acceleration, and off-road. He would also come in last to give everyone at least 50 vr with his 35000 vr. so nice. My vr has been raised from 7300 to over 8500. so nice. stay with him unless you hate vr. so nice. he doesn't deserve to be on the wall of shame, but i'm notifying you all. the X_X guy deserves to be on the wall of shame.
Name is Snoopy. Mii has black hair and round head (like he's balding although he looks young).
Everytime I was winning he'd infinite blue shell me and then infinite bobomb me to prevent me from catching up.
Guess it's not so bad, what are the odds of hitting a hacker.
I ran across a cheater/hacker tonight called "EliteNinja". He/she targeted me and hit me with all kinds of red shells, bombs, etc. Not a lot of fun to play with these people. Lost a lot of points in just two races.
A big ass cheater is called 31268 rosi sucks ass she has infinte everything literally everything!!!
i came a on online and two of the player was just slowly racng andd went i raced them the one stayed behind throwing infite blue shell 4at a time and the one who let the hacker (wizsomthing i think from france) the other used i lapped and somehow she was in second and all of a sudden he appering but she did even move on the map and she stop near waiting for me and the one who throw a blue shell and she went over the finish line and i came second but i think i should of been first if they wasn't a stupid idoitic hacking morons
i had it with these god dam hackers on the god dam wii
it's fine to do it on your console but not online
what is the point off beating people with cheats/hacks
get a life hackers!!!!!!!
howabout this nintendo make a championship for just the hackers and nintendo watchs it and then ban them and it should say
speed hack (so you spped though the course very fast)
so he always in first
"EliteTurbo", with all the letters spelled with unique characters instead of real letters. He was constantly mega-mushroom size, using the invincible star, able to travel quickly (seemingly teleporting) around different spots of the track. Able to trigger bombs and blue shells at will. He'd sometimes seem to let low-scoring people win.
Name: CARTMAN (All Caps)
Mii: Looks a bit like Cartman from South Park.
Watch out for this guy. I think I hurt his feelings when I hit him with a red shell after he kept bombing everyone. He's a total ass. He attacked me with an infinite amount of red shells and turned around to attack me with invincibility after I was cornered.
What!? Can't beat me otherwise? >=)
2daina high score on the 9000's
Theres a new player called "fuck you" that looks like a black skeleton w/ red eyes. He starts the game blowing everyone away, and he continues to do it until the game ends. Almost no one gets very far past the starting line.
Another unscrupulous cheater... SomtinWong
VagFungus Cheats to win. Shame shame !
HugeCock is his name and s/he has unlimitted supplies of semen of which s/he dumps on everyone after he corners them
Mario Kart is for fags
WiiA Hacker is the newest asshole. But naming them here is pointless. It's easier to change their IDs than it is their underpants.
Pathethetic to see that peeps have to cheat to win.
O'Head..... I'm talking about YOU! Get skills, lose the cheat and come against me.
Note: the "0" means zero and it had a dash cutting through the zero. He can hold blue shells and explode bombs like crazy. He also is always using a super mushroom, power star and often uses bullet bills. His Mii has shades and his hair is red.
his name is ( in the middle ) mad bro or something like that. he has tamed poufy hair with wrinkles on his cheeks. his eyes are "wide open". he has ultimate blue shells that he throws at everyone and he is always first
I use cheats too, but mostly to benefit everyone else in the game.
not all ppl using cheats are bad. The only time i use my cheats on other ppl(not counting the super speed) is when they are using thier cheats to make the game unfair to them.
I always play on battle,
My username: Bobby1 My BR: 9768
in fact its more fun to distract ppl using cheats on the other team so everyone else can go at it and have fun lol.
do i use my cheats to win? No
why do i have my cheats on? to have fun and kill other cheaters.
Do i use cheats on vr. nothing besides inf item for kids that try to cheat to get to first. cuz im pretty much pro @ vs. no need for speed, teleporting, and all that crap.
I'm always on battle, and if theres any other ppl that use cheats thnk they can beat me, i'll be happy to play you. i'll post my Mkid below later
mii name: boo. has a white face, brown mustach, a mouth that looks like this: /\/\/\/\ . likes to play on battle full time. score: aproximatly 9843, never seen without an invincibility star, rapid fire bomb-oms, first place blue shells, lightning, POW blocks, and x3 red shells all being used in the last 45 seconds of the match to ensure a win. at the start of the match, like on funky stadium, he is on the ground when the match starts or he stays up at the start and then suddenly teleports under the big jump, deflino peer coin battle: teleports ahead of everyone and goes right through the bridge like it is already down and gets every coin over there. sometimes you can't leave the match because of his hacks. i had to unplug the wii to leave the match. he is always on the red team and very rarely comes in second if not in first. always uses bone bowser with what seems like every kart stat is at max except weight. my name online is zerostar if anyone wants more sightings of cheaters that i find (which is pretty often) my wii friend code 0808-4673-7785-9503.
hey i found another cheat goes by vitor use a combination of giantshrooms, infinate star power, and blue shells the twat caused the entire room to empty to the point where there were only 4 it went from 12 to 4 in a mater of minutes. i got nothing against cheats but don't be a fucking wanna be slick hacker and fucking use them online it ruins the goddamn fun of the game for every one.
Can you hang up me there to?
Name: Link
Mii: Normal Guy
Speciality: Spraying Blue Shells. To dont hurt my self i use Star Forever and im waitng till people pass me to Spray more Shells. Im loosing till the 2nd round end and then i use Unlimited Rockets to get in Finish Line first.
By: Lily S.
His name has weird characters, and the word Code in the end.
He uses multiple rockets during the whole game without caring about a single player! -. -
Baby Luigi
Looks like Luigi. He uses infinite items. He bombed me for two laps so I couldn't move and launched infinite shells. He teleports and rams ppl with invincible mega and spams blue shells.
Music is his name. He always would use bombs and stars at the very beginning, then stop right before the finish line during round 3. He would always lose points at the end, but still always end up with 9999.
Rina (star) hacker
Shel Shock'd
Gator. His Mii resembles Jesus.
"i hack u ?" was the hacker my family had. I don't remember his exact physical appearance, but his eyes were more towards the middle of his face. He kept on following my family's mii's when they were racing! They were scared to be in first place! I wasnt playing, but I was watching. He had nonstop bombs and blue shells! Eventually we got disconnected from i hack u ?, but he was personally quite fun to go up against! Where do all these hackers find all this stuff?! Seriously!
Watch out for "i hack u ?" His eyes are more towards the middle of his face.
I'd like to put myself on the wall of same. XD
My mii's name is (Crown)(3 Star)Eddie(3 Star)(Crown)
I bomb everyone during the countdown with bob-ombs then constantly squash people with mega + star while throwing endless blue shells at the unlucky guy in front.Always bullet bill to the front at the end of the race to get 1st place.
Im so evil, but I enjoy it! >:D
I saw a hacker called dom* who likes bombing me a the finish line
But now im a hacker so i dont care
Name: Player
What he does: Glitches ahead at the start of the race.
Briana or Brianna is the name of another hacker. Won't stop trying to get ahead of you until she does. Hit her 4 times with a invincibility and she kept glitching right behind me.
What she does: she glicthes everywhere she's always in first and
has unlimited bombs.
She has toadette and the magicrusier.
Name (HACK2win) he is not (noHack2win) HACK2win got three stars in a row and knocked everybody off the edge :(
Name (Hoe) threw infinite blue shells and bombs I finally just raced backwards because she hitting me with bombs.
these people were a team I think
They would hit me into the water annoying as crap and throw infinite red turtle shells at me
I am about to become a hacker but just for fun NOT TO WIN the hackers that hack to win should be FOREVER!!!
Sorry I meant to say Banned FOREVER!!!!!
Spammed red shells at EVERYONE on maple treeway and warped to different sections of the track
I don't know what his mii looked like
So here's chinabayba. mii kinda looks like hipster Jesus with glasses. blue shell after blue shell. if he wasn't first, he'd use bullet bill to get ahead. used star power for a shield.
Hackers, play fair! Always taking the fun out of the game! Do u know how annoying it is to ppl who to play fair??? Especially those who work very hard to maintain their VR. Even if u let everyone win, a hacker is still a hacker. If Nintendo has banning hacker software that would benefit us non-hackers
Carlos. I just played this clown maybe 20 minutes ago. Someone who doesn't know better might not suspect he is cheating at first, but when you finish second 3 times in a row to the same person under the same mysterious circumstances the conclusion becomes inevitable. Carlos spends most of the race playing fair but then suddenly teleports into first place. You could have a ten second lead on the pack and just as you cross the finish line your rank will change from 1st place to 2nd place without seeing anybody pass you. I think this Carlos guy genuinely believes he is good enough to compete on fair grounds but when he's losing (badly) he reverts to his cheating instincts and for that reason he belongs on the wall of shame. Avoid this clown at all costs. He will waste your time in the most uninteresting way possible.
I saw a hacker called "LOVE ALINA" but then she changed her name to "2o may=stop" and she spams lots of stars alot
there is a hacker called "hyadrin" who smams stars mega mushrooms and blue shells
another one called "oy oyabun" who has a invizible hack to protect himself from hackers
and finally a hacker called "FTL luigi" with star symbols and he flies around spamming lots of items when playing against eachother in a 1vs1
There was this one hacker I played with 15 minutes ago. His name was "HACKER" but in RAINBOW, GRAFITTI LETTERS. I don't even know how he did that but it was STUNNING.
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