As you can see, this combination greatly smooths out the jaggies and rounds the curves without blasting out all of the details, like hq2x can often do on its own.
This two-pass shader implementation also allows users to control the amount of bloom applied by a bloom shader in the first pass simply by modifying the scale factor. Here are two examples in which I've stacked blargg's NTSC filter, cgwg's CRT-Flat v3 shader, and Whateverman's simplebloom shader (rendered at 2x and 1x respectively):
In my opinion, this combination of bloom+CRT shaders+NTSC filter is exceptionally close to the Photoshop renders that inspired the CRT shader effort.
Windows binaries for this latest version of SSNES are available here, while Linux users can download deb binaries from my PPA repo. Mac users can also get in on the fun, but they'll have to compile everything themselves, as no one is providing Mac packages of SSNES yet.
As always, any shaders covered here are available in my mediafire account.
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